Do Minnesota Students of Color Receive Our Best? A Video Discussion Guide

Use this discussion guide to engage in your own community. The guide presents questions to get the conversation started and offers ideas for facilitation. Deepen the dialogue with these reflection questions and ideas for facilitation.

Discussion Questions

» What insights or new knowledge did you gain from the video? Did you take away any new perspectives, and if so, why?

» The video explores the value of a culturally-affirming education. Why might families seek out these types of schools? What steps can other schools take to be more culturally-affirming?

» What does it mean for a school to be high quality? What informs your perspective? How is your view similar to the views shared in the video, and how is it different?

» What trade-offs do families face as they consider where to send their child to school? What are your personal priorities? What are you willing to sacrifice, and what is essential in a school?

» The video asks whether schools serving students of color can meet the mark of a high-quality education. How does it impact kids when we operate under the assumption that it can’t be done?

» “You know, Mom, how you’re always trying to get me ready for the world? Well you need to start getting the world ready for me!” Aiden’s mom recalls this poignant quote from her son. How can this thinking be applied to schools? How might we design schools differently?

» “I think it’s an intentional agenda for black kids to fail in the public school system.” How did you react when you heard this quote? What experiences, evidence, and beliefs inform your reaction?

» Dr. Howard Fuller talks about the failure of politicians to make students from low-income families a priority. Why is this the case? What influences politicians’ views on education, and what might change this reality? Is education equity a top political issue for you, personally? Why or why not?

» Should families be able to choose where they send their children to school? In what ways do families exercise school choice today? Do low-income families have equal power to exercise choice?

» Why are some forms of school choice more controversial than others, and what are the implications for families?

» The video highlights that students of color have continued to face challenges since the end of legal segregation, and raises questions about what it means to center integration in the fight for education equity. Should integration remain a top goal? Why or why not? What would it take to achieve real integration?

» What needs to change in your local schools to address the needs of all students?

Event Planning Tips

Want to host your own video discussion? Here are a few tips for facilitating.


For a rich discussion, 40-60 minutes is ideal. This gives you time for introductions, plus meaningful reflection and sharing after the 8-minute video. Before the event, select the discussion questions you want to prioritize since most groups won’t have time to address them all.



Set The Stage

Before the video, get the conversation started with introductions, including who you are, experiences that connect you to the topic, and why you care about this conversation. From there, you can prompt participants to share their understanding of the topic, including relevant personal experiences and what they hope to learn from the discussion.

Wrap Up

After the video and discussion, ask audience members to reflect on how they could envision taking action to support education equity. What commitments can people make within their schools, communities, and the larger political world?

Here are some local organizations participants might look to for information and opportunities to act:

  • Achieve Minneapolis
  • Children’s Defense Fund
  • Decoding Dyslexia
  • EdAllies
  • Educators for Excellence
  • Education Evolving
  • Generation Next
  • Integrated Schools
  • Minnesota Education Equity Partnership
  • Northside Achievement Zone
  • Student for Education Reform
  • Think Small

Want our help hosting a house party or convening an event at your organization, school, or church? Reach out to our team!